
now playing ▷ Sweet by Phemeic ... now playing ▷ Sweet by Phemeic ...

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sept. 2023
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☆ about @eros.soot

"Two lovers we were, two lovers we are. Never will we be torn apart again. Forevermore, I'm yours and only yours. Now, my darling, shall we run away together?"
TW; Gore

+ oplease tw/cwo
abuse, sexual assault, self-harm
+ obefore you followo - posted: 4:44 PM
DNIUC/IWEC, highly unstable. Recovering persecutor, main obsession holder, and a couple more undisclosed roles.
+ odon't interact ifo - posted: 4:44 PM
You just want to pester me, want to argue over how I do or say things, you're from my sources AND act like source, you refuse to use tone tags.
oo Likes
Ceres, gore, large stuffed animals, writing, reading, drawing, music
oo Dislikes
Source, Sourcemates that are like source, Jared(LL)/ij, yelling, being crowded, url hoarders
oo Ceres
My love. He's so sweet and beautiful. <3
oo Creepypasta
Sally, Hobo Heart, Ticci Toby, Smile Dog
oo Topic
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oo Topic
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